Two Warnings for Apple Users
I am reaching out to you today to warn you of two very big Apple Issues.
The first is a possible TROJAN Horse Program that can install a backdoor to your computer.
This would give access to files etc on your computer. And in some cases redirect you through their servers for all of your surfing – opening up the possibility that they could get access to passwords you type.
Take a screen shot of the pop up message if you can. You can take a shot of your whole screen by holding down SHIFT KEY, COMMAND (apple), and 3. Push them all at once like clicking a camera. You will hear a camera sound and a file will appear on your desktop called Picture 1 or Screen Shot with a date.
Its important to note this is by no means a Virus. It requires you the user to install it. Being aware of what you ok to be installed will keep you safe from this and future attacks.
The second is just as malicious – but it comes from Apple. It comes in the form of Iphoto 11. The newest version of the ILIFE Suite that apple is selling.
There are some cases in which upgrading to Iphoto 11 has been wiping out – and deleting a good portion of the users photos and videos. So far, the only way to get these back is from a backup.
If you really need to upgrade, then make sure you backup before upgrading. Try Macworld’s help article on how to successfully do the update.
If you can wait, Apple will surely release an update that will remedy this situation.
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